
Step Inside a Copywriting Business

July 9, 2021

The ins and outs of a copywriting business

So, you want to learn about a copywriting business? We can tell you everything you need to know.

What is a copywriter?

To start with the basics of the copywriting business, you need to understand what a copywriter does.

A copywriter is essentially someone who writes copy for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. Copywriters must produce content that shows or reflects the client’s brand or voice.

What skills are required to be successful in the copywriting business?  

Good writing skills

Given the title of the job, you need to be a good writer. It’s crucial you have impeccable spelling and grammar skills as content needs to be free of errors. A good copywriter is able to produce content for a number of platforms such as websites and social media. You should be able to adapt your writing skills to the topic you are talking about.

Research effectively

All good copywriters must be able to research as well as write. It’s just as important, especially if you are writing about a topic that you know nothing about. You need to know what type of keywords to type in Google to help find the information. You should be able to carry out thorough research so you can provide the best content possible. The more you know about a topic the more you can write about it. Google likes lots of words. So, it is great to include as much information as you can. But in a manner that isn’t overwhelming.

Time management  

Copywriters often have multiple projects to work on at once. To be successful in the copywriting business, you need to have good time management skills. Deadlines will be thrown at you from all directions, so you need to be able to manage your time effectively. Plan out how you will tackle your projects and when you aim to have them completed by.


Keywords are essential when writing copy as you want your content to be seen as much as possible. Use keywords often throughout the content to increase the chances of it ranking higher on Google.

Understanding your audience

It’s well and good writing great copy, but if you don’t know who you’re writing for it’s a bit pointless. It is crucial that you understand who your audience is and the type of language and phrases they’ll understand. Tailor your copy to your audience. For example, you wouldn’t write in the same language for adults as you would children.

Switch between styles

The final skill you need to be successful in a copywriting business is the ability to switch between styles. Most copywriters will work for an agency, meaning they’ll work for a number of clients/brands. However, you must be able to adapt your tone to the topic you’re writing about. If you’re writing about hospitality, you wouldn’t the same tone of voice when it comes to writing about logistics.

Benefits of being a copywriter

Variety of work

No two days are ever the same being a copywriter. One of the main benefits of being a copywriter is how diverse the industry is. One day you could be writing about healthcare, another day about construction. There really is no in-between. This is great for learning about new topics and developing your understanding of different industries. As a copywriter, you’ll have the chance to work on so many projects which is great for your career.

Plenty of work

Another pro of being in the copywriting business is you’ll never be out of work. There are always words that need to be written. Whether it be for blogs, social media or email. Businesses need someone who can write well.

Flourish your creativity

Often copywriters are tasked with turning mundane copy into something creative and engaging. Copywriters love a challenge and being able to demonstrate their creativity.

Daily life as a copywriter

As previously discussed, no two days in the copywriting business are the same. It makes the job more interesting as it doesn’t become repetitive. You get to learn and work with so many brands and have your work displayed for everyone to see. You won’t always be writing from scratch. Sometimes you may be asked to edit existing content or add to it. Your job also requires a lot of proofreading, either for yourself or other copywriters.

What type of work is available in the copywriting business?

Working in-house 

Working full-time for one company, covering all their copywriting needs for them. You’ll write solely for their brand which means less variety in your work.

Working for an agency

Working full-time for an agency means you’ll work with a number of clients. This is a great way to build up your experience as you’ll be writing about a variety of topics. You’ll learn to adapt your tone of voice for the brand you’re writing for.


Working for yourself, you’ll be a one-person agency working with a variety of clients. As a freelancer, you’ll have to source your own work. This is a great way to build up your experience and make new contacts in the copywriting business. A freelancer can choose their own hours and work from the comfort of their own home.

All clued up?

By now you should have a good insight into a copywriting business. As you can see it is a diverse industry that is rewarding and challenging.

Get in touch with our team

At Vocal, we’re a loud bunch of creatives that will help deliver results for your business. Our services will improve your client reach and take your company further.

We have some great blogs about copywriting secrets and copywriting techniques you’ll find helpful.

Get in touch for a quick chat about your company’s marketing aims. See how we can help you reach your goals.

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